Hosting comes in many forms, Website, Podcast, Tweets, Videos, and Images. We will discuss website hosting. Website hosting companies are service providers that give web developers the ability to post a website to the internet.
Shared Website hosting is the most popular form of hosting. Some of the most popular hosting service providers are:
It is the least expensive and typically meets most website needs. Usually Email and Database features come with these hosting plans for one affordable price. So this a great starting point for a small business owner. With that in mind, there can be some disavantages to shared hosting because your website or app’s performance is at the mercy of all the other websites being hosted along side yours. So, if a particular website on the shared server is consuming all the resources it would slow down your website.
This is one of the reasons JamStack websites are so much more efficient because of the serverless functions and pre-render features, which allow a website to generate the front end view during a build before a request is received, thus dramatically increasing speed. If you need help with your website feel free to click the shop button above. Find out more here!
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